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Making the World a Better Place For All of Us
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Problem Statement
Households with low per capita income, having elderly, hospitalised or chronically ill members, and whose head was unemployed were more likely to be this community. Both catastrophic and impoverishing health payments increased with increased village deprivation. However, the presence of village lands shade some lights as most households are seen trying to depend on agriculture for their survival.
Most of our agricultural farms are located at hillsides while others are regularly affected by storm water.The frequency of erosion has been increasing over the years, resulting in loss of life to crops, damage to property and destruction of the environment..From these events, the Village Development committee (VDC) and the KotienoCommunity Organisation through participatory vulnerability assessment, identified the following stiff challenges:
- Lack of sources of clean water for use
- Lack of reliable sources of electricity
- Improper methods to encounter drought
- Lack of efficient farming equipment and inputs
- Challenges of fees to our children
- Improper disease control measures
- Lack of better farm produce storage structures
- Destruction of crops by wild and domestic animals
- Lack of enough food for our less fortunate beneficiaries.

Approaches to help solve the challenges by the community
- Farming of food crops like kales, tomatoes etc
- Tree planting practices
- Sourcing funds to pay fees, buy some basics and control diseases
- Participating in regenerative movements like SEEDS
- Fundraising both locally and internationally
- Best use of donations to help us meet some of our obligations
- Engaging with different organisations to better manage ours through learning
What We Do
Climate Stabalization
- Conserve energy
- Cleaning the air
- Reduce cost of controlling stormwater
- Holding soil in place hence no erosion
- Maintain local water cycle
Sustainable Farming
- Holding soil in place hence no erosion
- Create a learning environment for children about nature
- Increase property value
- Maintain local water cycle
- Production of products for our use
- Control of noise
Wildlife Preservation
Provide shelter and nourish wildlife
Our Mission & Approach
The project is very important as it will build capacity of local people to prepare, mitigate and recover from poor environmental management and poverty. It helps in taking action to build safety and resilience, and reduce future hazard impacts. The project will ensure that there is continuous flow of agricultural activities at Kotieno Community projects as well as eradication of poverty and poor life.